Well, I've been patiently awaiting better news for us to stamp together.  Seems like the lockdown is still on until 4/24.   If we are released early - we will stamp together somehow!!

Here is my plan for April classes; everyone can attend virtually via Zoom meeting (which if I can figure it out can be streamed through Facebook)  If you meet minimum ordering you will receive the cards and/or bonuses based on your order when I deliver orders:   $25.00 order will get you the three cards that will be made during the virtual card class.  A $50 order will get you a rewards point and a bonus 3D purse from the Dressed to Impress bundle and a $75 order will get you 2 rewards points, the cards and 2 bonuses.   The Paper Share this month is DSP Best Dressed for $6.00 1/2 pack and Cardstock 8 sheets each of Pretty Peacock/Mint Macaron/Lovely Lipstick for $9.00 
Fri 4/17 6:30 Zoom:  https://zoom.us/j/749475544?pwd=U2VOUnBlb3ZsRlBmSUZMbXV0T2J1QT09   password:  774524
Sun 4/19 1:30 pm Zoom:  https://zoom.us/j/513073537?pwd=QXJ5T2ZEN2p0aGp4K0ZEYU5BaEZudz09  password:  287328
Bonus 3D kit:
2nd Bonus  
